- Awards
- Intach Environmental Award
- Award For Best Practices in Conservation
- Memorial Award For Martand Singh
Anirudh Bhargava Environmental Award
The Anirudh Bhargav Environmental Award was instituted by Shri Ranjit Bhargav, eminent environmentalist of UP and an INTACH member of standing, in memory of his late son. The award is administered by INTACH {Natural Heritage Division.
From this year {2023} onwards the Award will carry a monetary prize of Rs. 1.0 lakhs and a citation. The award will be now known as INTACH Anirudh Bhargav Environmental Award.
The award process will follow the following schedule :
- Submission of entries/nominations by 30th November 2023
- Screening by internal committee of INTACH by 10th December 2023
- Assessment of qualified and screened nomination/entries a three member expert jury including 2 external jurists by 10th January 2024
- Jury may make a single award or split the award between two joint entries or not recommend any award depending on the quality of the entries. The decision of the jury would be final. The award citation will carry the reasons behind the award.
- Award ceremony as part of INTACH Foundation Day [27 January 2024]
Who Can Participate
- INTACH members as individuals, or as group or as chapter can submit entries
- INTACH members can nominate any worthwhile individual or volunteer group from within or outside the organization
- Individuals or groups can send in self-nomination
Eligibility of Entries/Nominations
- The work done must have been initiated within the last 5 years
- The work should clearly fall under environmental categories with proven benefit to the environment and natural heritage.
- The work done must have been done by volunteers or civil society organizations, self-funded or donor funded
- The work, if using specific methods, either commonly used or innovative, should be scientifically verifiable. Claims for “innovation” should have sound ecological and/ or scientific reason/logic.
- The work done should not have been carried out by a govt. employed individual as part of his/her official duty
- The entry/nomination should carry a self-declaration/nominator’s certification that the work has not received any other award nor has been submitted for any other award