- Chapters
- Chapters Structure
- Membership
- Functioning
- Listing
- Legal
Chapters Structure
- INTACH being a membership organization of volunteers, functions on the strength of its members who are affiliated to a Chapter.
- Chapters are forums formed with the authority and directions granted by INTACH and are constituted with about 25 members.
- A Chapter has a Convener and a Co-Convener appointed by the Central office and has an Executive Committee to co-ordinate it’s working. The normal tenure of the Convenors, Co-Convenors and the Executive Committees shall be of three (3) years, with further extensions if necessary. The Chapters Division may bring about a change of Convenor, Co-Convenor or Executive Committee Member at any time if circumstances so warrant.
- Chapter can adopt a flexible approach in its internal structuring as long it does not dilute its legal and financial accountability.
Chapter Functioning: Chapters Division at the Central Office coordinates and facilitates the work and activities of all INTACH Chapters and acts as an interconnecting bridge. Comprehensive instructions in the form of Guidelines for Chapters 2013 are of immense guidance and value for chapters and cover all governance aspects and issues. These Guidelines read in conjunction with the INTACH Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations are complete in themselves for a smooth and proper functioning of an INTACH Chapter.
‘Preface’ to the Guidelines for Chapters 2013 by Chairman, INTACH reads:
The Guidelines for Chapters were the focus of a thorough scrutiny for over two years before being published in their present form. Chapters Committee had specifically deliberated on the content and given valuable suggestions. Special care was taken to make the guidelines as user-friendly as possible while also incorporating the numerous suggestions and feedback coming from the Chapters over the years. Efforts have been made this time to get the Guidelines professionally edited with attention to the language, which hopefully is now more lucid and easy to understand. Care has also been taken in the formatting and structuring of the different chapters, as also in the use of terminologies. Formats for collection of data have been added wherever necessary and structured in such a way that they can incorporate more complex data.
A new addition is the section on first aid measures for saving heritage. What should be done in both states and cities where heritage regulations are in place, and conversely what should be done in states and cities where no heritage regulations are in place is the focus of detailed attention. Another novelty is the FAQs (frequently asked questions) section, which, it is hoped, gives satisfactory answers to some of the more commonly asked questions.
On technical issues like keeping of accounts and timely filing of UCs and periodic reports, detailed instructions have been provided, which it is hoped, will help in understanding why certain procedures must be followed by the Chapters. Adherence to such protocols and procedure goes a long way in promoting the vital interdependence between the Central Office and the Chapters and in creating the necessary environment for a smooth interaction between the two.
It is hoped that this issue of the Guidelines will help facilitate communication between the Head Office and the Chapters so that precious time is not wasted in routine activities, time that can be used towards the work for conservation of heritage. INTACH fervently encourages the Chapters to make the Guidelines available to all their members.