- About INTACH
- Mission
- INTACH History
- INTACH Charter
- Principles
- Guidelines
- Management and Education
- Professionalism
- Annexure
- Memorandum of Association & Rules & Regulations
- Our Logo
- INTACH Code of Commitment
- INTACH Code of Conduct
- INTACH Structure
INTACH Charter
Code of Professional Commitment and Practice
Conservation professionals shall
Ensure that their professional activities do not conflict with their general responsibility to contribute positively to the quality of the environment and welfare of society.
Apply their knowledge and skills towards the creative, responsible and economical development of the nation and its heritage.
Provide professional services of a high standard, to the best of their ability.
Maintain a high standard of integrity.
Conduct themselves in a manner which is not derogatory to their professional character, nor likely to lessen the confidence of the public in the profession, nor likely to bring conservation professionals into disrepute.
Promote the profession of conservation, standards of conservation education, research, training and practice.
Act with fairness and impartiality when administering a conservation contract.
Observe and uphold INTACH’s conditions of engagement and scale of charges, which will be prepared in due course, in consultation with conservation professionals.
If in private practice, inform their client of the conditions of engagement and scale of consultancy fee, and agree that these conditions be the basis of their appointment.
Not sub-commission to other professional(s) the work for which they have been commissioned, without prior agreement of their client.
Not give or take discounts, commissions, gifts or other inducements for obtaining work.
Compete fairly with other professional colleagues.
Not supplant or attempt to supplant another conservation professional.
Not prepare project reports in competition with other professionals for a client without payment or for a reduced fee (except in a competition conducted in accordance with the competition guidelines approved by INTACH).
Not attempt to obtain, offer to undertake or accept a commission for which they know another professional has been selected or employed until they have evidence that the selection, employment or agreement has been terminated, and the client has given the previous professional written notice to that effect.
Allow the client to consult as many professional as desired/ required provided that each professional so consulted is adequately compensated and that the project is in the preliminary stages.
Comply with guidelines for project competitions and inform INTACH of their appointment as assessor for a competition.
Not have or take as partner in their firm any person who is disqualified.
Provide their employees with a suitable working environment, compensate them fairly and facilitate their professional development.
Recognise and respect the professional contributions of their employees.
Provide their associates with a suitable working environment, compensate them fairly and facilitate their professional development.
Recognise and respect the professional contributions of their associates.
Recognise and respect the professional contributions of all consultants.
Enter into agreements with consultants defining the scope of their work, responsibilities,functions, fees and mode of payment.
Not advertise their professional services nor allow their name to be included in advertisements or be used for publicity purposes except under the following circumstances
- Notice of change of address may be published on three occasions and correspondents may be informed by post.
- Professionals may exhibit their name outside their office and on a conservation site, either under implementation or completed, for which they are or were consultant, provided that the lettering does not exceed 10 cm. in height and this in agreement with the client.
- Advertisements including the name and address of professionals may be published in connection with calling of tenders, staff requirements and similar matters.
- Professionals may allow their name to be associated with illustrations and/or descriptions of their work in the press or public media, provided that they neither give nor accept any compensation for such appearances.
- Professionals may allow their name to appear in advertisements inserted in the press by suppliers or manufacturers of materials used in a project they have undertaken, provided that their name is included in an unostentatious manner and they neither give nor accept any compensation for its use.
- Professionals may allow their name to appear in publications prepared by clients for the purpose of advertising or promoting projects for which they have been commissioned.
- Professionals may produce or publish brochures, and pamphlets describing their experience and capabilities, for distribution to those potential clients whom they can identify by name and position.
- Professionals may allow their name to appear in the classified columns of trade/professional directories and/ or the telephone directory.
When working in other countries, comply with the codes of conduct applicable there.
If a conservation professional practices as a partner in a partnership firm or is in charge and responsible to a company registered under the Companies Act 1956 for the conduct of business of such company, he/she shall ensure that such partnership firm or company, as the case may be, complies with the provisions of Article 9.1.
Violation of any of the provisions of Article 9.1 shall constitute professional misconduct