- INTACH CSR Proposals
- Become a Member
- Wanted a Person Who Cares
- Vacancies
- Fund a Project
Become a Member
The membership applications in respect of the following category with the existing fee structure may kindly be sent:
Donor (individual/Government authority or body)
Life Members and Overseas(life)
Institutional (for 10 years)
The Students membership category will be for those in the age of 18-25 years only, (onetime fee of Rs.300/-). They are to fill the Membership Form, same as of the Life Members, giving also their E-mail address, as in future all correspondences sent to them will be via electronic medium.
Associate life, Associate, Associate Institutional and Rural membership will continue to remain suspended. The existing Associate life Members and Associate Members may please be requested and encouraged to become Ordinary/Life Members (a voting category) by paying Rs. 200/- every year or Rs. 4000/ one time respectively.
The Governing Council of INTACH in its meeting held on 29 November 2013 had decided that no member irrespective of the category will be given the right to vote in the year of enrolment. He/ she will be entitled to participate in the process for election to the Governing Council only after completion of one year from the date of his/her enrolment as member.