- Chapters
- Chapters Structure
- Membership
- Functioning
- Listing
- Legal
The Chapter functions as an outreach of INTACH to protect heritage in their vicinity, liaising with the State and local administration, seeking their intervention in protecting heritage.
The priority activities/works that every Chapter undertakes are:
- Creating awareness about the cultural heritage of the local area and its significance.
- Listing of cultural heritage of the area and its publication
- Advocacy and fighting for public causes against encroachments & destruction, and protection of heritage.
- Networking with schools, colleges, universities, by formation of heritage Clubs and with other academic and likeminded institutions.
- Selecting and implementing a Passion Project and demonstrating the value of preserving heritage , thus acting as a catalyst of such efforts
- Writing and publication of books, pamphlets, monographs, etc, pertaining particularly to the history and culture of the district or the region or specific historical or cultural sites.
- Develop community based knowledge & wisdom heritage walks, folk festivals etc.
- Encourage the establishment of a Heritage Cell within local bodies for protection and conservation of cultural heritage.
INTACH in 30 years has built a firm and stable foundation. This was primarily achieved on account of the immense work undertaken by the INTACH network of Chapters, which form the backbone of the Organization. Each of the Chapters has initiated a number of exemplary works.
The working of the Chapter is to be based on the following principles:-
a) The Chapter Convenor, Co-Convenor and members contribute towards the protection of heritage of INTACH in voluntary spirit i.e. voluntarism is the bed-rock of functioning the Chapters.
b) The Chapter should focus:-
- 1/3rd of their effort towards Awareness Creation and activities there on.
- 1/3rd of their time and energy is focused on fighting for public interest/cause to save precious public spaces, water bodies, streets, architectural, natural, art and intangible heritage.
- Balance of their 1/3rd time is focused on doing passion projects such as listing and documentation, restoration and such activities, to demonstrate to the public the value of saving the landmarks of their cities, towns and villages as also to enthuse such other efforts by the Government and others.
Records to be kept by a Chapter
- Members Register-Type, fees paid/payable
- Register for attendance of Meetings
- Register of proceedings of the meetings.
- Register of books (library).
- Files or folders for each activity
- Correspondence files/folders.
- Relevant Acts, Rules and Regulations
- Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations
- Copies of INTACH PAN Card and Income Tax Exemption Certificate
- INTACH Annual Reports
- Copies of the various publications brought out by INTACH Central Office and its various divisions and by other Chapters from time to time.
- Any other reports and publications
- Account Books & bills/vouchers
Chapter Accounts
a) Each Chapter Convener is authorized by the Central Office to open a bank account in a scheduled bank, jointly operated with the Co-Convener and persons’ in addition if any, authorized by the Central Office.
b) Information to be furnished:
- Account No., Bank details
- Nine digit MICR code of the Bank
- Photocopy or a cancelled Cheque
Receipt and retention of fee and donations
- Membership fee including the membership renewal fees for all categories of membership can be retained in full by the Chapter except for the fee received from Corporate and Donor members, which should be transferred to INTACH. On approval of membership, 50% will be sent to the Chapter.
- Membership Admission Fee should be treated as corpus fund of the Chapter and be deposited in fixed deposit and only the interest accrual used for the Chapter activities. However, the annual subscription, wherever applicable, can be utilized by the Chapter for its activities.
- Donations: Donations should be shown distinctly on the receipts side classified into two parts
- (a) Donations in general which should preferably be used to increase the Corpus of the Chapter.
- (b) Donations for a particular project/purpose
- Hold regular Chapter meetings and up-date members on issues and activities.
- Enroll members of quality and repute, dedicated to conservation.
- Take-up listing works in areas not taken up earlier.
- Create awareness on heritage among the larger community.
- Maintain proper accounts and submit the annual audited accounts by 30th June.
- Report activities taken up on a quarterly basis.
- Submit utilization certificates and completed listing reports to the Head Office in time.
- Send Quarterly financial & physical progress reports
- Pledge to uphold ethical values and maintain integrity in all dealings as an INTACH Convenor.
- Misuse the name and logo of INTACH for personal gain.
- Use the INTACH name and logo for non heritage issues and activities.
- Enter into Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement/Contracts without the proper approval
- Do not directly send project proposal for foreign sponsorship (under FCRA) or receive fund directly as such
- Do not undertake works in jurisdiction of other Chapters without reference to the State Convener & approval of Central Office
- Do not take recourse of law/Court without consultation/approval/ authorization from the Central Office and send complete case & documents to render appropriate advise and course of action
To Sum Up
- It is important that membership record is updated every year and changes, if any communicated to the Central Office by 30 Sep.
- Annual Report of the Chapter Activities is sent by 30th June every year for reflecting in the Annual Report of INTACH for the year.
- Audited Chapter Accounts are sent to the Central Office by 30th June, duly signed by the Convener, Co-Convener and the Auditors.
- Important ‘Activities Report’ of the Chapter should be sent quarterly by the 15th day of Mar-Jun-Sep-Dec for reflecting in the quarterly INTACH’s Virasat News.
- Destruction of the any heritage is reported to the Central Office as and when occurring.